Shamanic danke – Born to dance. Born to find yourself in the dance of life. Dancing with Mother Earth, dancing with the four elements, with the ancestors, with the Spirits. Dancing with all that is. Dancing as a shamanic ritual, a prayer, starting with the invitation to everyone, closing by showing gratitude towards everything. Free dancing, pleasurable dancing, powerful dancing, sentient, devotional dancing – opening up rooms and to meet the spiritual world. To make healing possible.
I would like to invite you to those free evenings. Different themes and content lead us back to our roots and to Mother Earth. Alone or in contact with others, with open or covered eyes we follow the rhythmic music and the wisdom of our bodies, to dance wild and noisy, affectionate or quiet – everything that is possible and danceable. Let’s walk this journey. Let’s enjoy the extraordinary of it, the prayer and the ritual power of that sacred ceremony while shamanic dancing.
I hope to be able to offer shamanic dance from spring 2017 on. What is missing is an ideal location. I would be very happy to hear of a suitable place.