The Thunderbirds wisdom

The ongoing group “Back to my Roots – Be in touch with Mother Earth” startet in 2015. We gradually work on opening up to the old knowledge of nature and Mother Earth, close to what all indegious people know, love and maintain.

Drum and shamanic journeys, talking stick rounds, rituals and ceremonies will accompany us. We meet the power animals, the guardians of the four directions, the ancestors and Mother Earth. We learn to work with the medicine wheel. Ceremonies lead us into the depths, drum journeys to other worlds, sweat lodges bring us in the close and direct contact with Mother Earth and to our spiritual companions.

The series of seminars are an offer to all those who are interested  in regular meetings and in the continuity of work. The group will go on for some years and will always be open to newcomers. Feel welcome. One even can come and be with us for only certain topics.

• Healing – Healing sprits, healing stones, holy smoke
• Power symbols and energetic protection
• Medicine bag, altar and ritual objects
• The wisdom of the medicine wheel – the soul paths and the 4 directions
• Sweat Lodge
• Grandmother moon – the female principle
• The power of plants
• Drum and rattle travel. Soul retrieval
• Finer perception – Mindfulness 9n my being
• Talkingstick rounds, mindfull speaking
• and much more

Information about the location and dates of “Back to my Roots – Be with Mother Earth” – see events