“Warmly welcome on my side.”

As a professional health parcticioner, highly sensitive and clairvoyant since more than 20 years I offer my medicine in many ways to the ones who ask for help – for body, mind and soul, from classical naturopathy to shamanic work and spirituel lifeguidance. From the beginning on in 2009, I work in my own rooms. Since I very early found out that I like to share knowledge I give seminars to all kind of issues, starting with this in1998.

Electroakupunktur of Dr. med. Reinhard Voll/ EAV

Due to your physical concerns I test in accordance with the electroacupuncture of Dr. med. Reinhard Voll (EAV), to which I add the knowledge of Dr. med. Ingrid Fonk. I check the meridian points of your hands and feet with a pendulum and then I look for corresponding nosodes, such as bacteria, viruses and parasites, which balance the points. In this way, both acute and chronic disease-causing pathogens can be detected and cured. 


One main topic in my praxis is out of own experience famililywise as well as of many patients are the remaining symptoms of a often chronical Borreliosis.

Invisible dental inflammation/NICO

Often unrecognized silent inflammation in the jaw is the cause of the incapability to heal other chronic diseases. If you suffer of such problems I like to detect those diseased areas in your jaws and teeth, as well as to help you to better understand the X-ray image of your teeth. This will enable you to seek specialist help from specialized physicians or oral surgeons to eliminate these chronic inflammations. From a naturopathic point of view, I know ways of meaningful support to ensure healing.

Shamanic/medial life coaching

Moreover, I also often can perceive the soul issues behind the health issues. On request, we can talk about it and search for solutions. And if time permits, I can weave a shorter or longer “reading” or “shamanic healing ceremony” into our meeting, which can be recorded on your request.

Classical methods

My healing therapies are based on the classic natural remedies such as detoxification and construction, includes the use of nosodes in form of globules, homeopathy and Bach flowers as well as dietary supplements. In my practice I work exclusively bloodless.

“Pick it up, I’m looking forward to seeing you.”

Please call
+49 2304 – 750606 oder
E-Mail: postfach@sander-karin.de